Autoimmune disease is characterised by our immune system attacking our body. In this course, you will learn three actions to support and regulate your immune system. After regulating your immune you will see improvements to your symptoms.
My course, Roadmap to Autoimmune Remission: A Natural Approach To Regulate Your Immune System, will give you the tools to reverse autoimmunity using diet, building and maintaining a healthy gut environment and supporting your immune system with Vitamin D. Get started now!
Take This Course If:
You want to rid yourself of brain fog and think clearly
You want to reduce the pain and inflammation so you can exercise, even if it is going for a short stroll
You want to eat a more varied food even if you have been stuck in a food elimination for a long time
You want to sleep better and more deeply
You want to have more energy
Disclaimer: These steps can complement your health care plan provided by your medical provider. Seek permission from your medical provider before commencing this program. NEVER make changes to your medication dose or stop taking your medication without consulting your medical provider. Get regular check-ups with your medical provider while following the program. You may see improvements to your symptoms, so your medical provider may need to adjust your treatment plan and medication doses accordingly.